Tuesday, March 29, 2011

21 Weeks and Feeling Great

I had my routine monthly OB appointment this morning.  All is checking out perfectly in the baby department.  I heard his heartbeat, it was a beautiful sound as usual.  I do have a doppler at home so I can hear it anytime I want but I've been saving it for OB appointments as to not let the novelty wear off.

I have a made a pretty important decision.  I have decided to get my tubes tied when I have this baby.  2 is enough for me, one of each, I am done.  Factory will be officially closed!

I also spoke with the doctor about scheduling the c-section. We looked at the calendar and August 2nd seemed like a good day.   I will be officially scheduling it at my next OB appointment.  Wow this all getting real..........and FAST.

Another thing I can barely believe is that I am up 30 pounds already!  I don't feel like I've gained that much, and I don't look like I have but trust me that damn scale does not lie.  I tried closing my eyes when they were weighing me, and when I thought they were done I opened my eyes but the girl was just sliding the thing to the next increment!!  Ackkkk!!!  My doctor said he is not concerned at all as I was very fit & in shape to begin with plus I gained 50 pounds with Ava so this is just par for the course.

Here's my 30 pounds of belly, hips & butt
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +30 (ughhhh)
Maternity clothes? every day
Stretch marks? No thankfully
Sleep: well, love it
Best moment this week: Having another mom at Ava's gymnastics not being able to tell I was pregnant
Movement: yes, lots & it tickles
Food cravings: girl scout cookies
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? in but slowly making its' way out
What I miss: wine & working out hard
What I am looking forward to: not being pregnant anymore, wine, getting my body back
Weekly Wisdom: pregnancy is only temporary
Milestones: tentatively scheduling the extraction (c-section)
This week we are a banana! 

Your Baby: Week 21

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 Weeks - Halfway!

Woo hoo I am 1/2 way done with this baby growing business.  Actually more than halfway because I will be scheduling my c-section around 10 days early.  I am feeling great, no complaints whatsoever except that my belly is getting heavier and I can no longer lay on my back.  Rolling over from side to side is about a 6 step process too.  I have to "swing" myself out of bed at night to pee, but luckily it's only been once per night for a while now.  I've slowed my fluid intake after 8pm to ensure a good nights' rest.

Our trip to Disney was a blast.  Ava got to meet everyone - Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and all of the princesses.  She LOVES the princesses and talks about them every day.  She also loves her baby brother I just found out.  Here's what went down a few moments ago that brought the tears.....

Ava was laying next to me in our bed as I was watching a video on my laptop of a twin ultrasound. 

Ava: "Baby Jax"
Me: "Baby Jax is in my tummy, right here" (pulled my shirt up and pointed)
Ava: (puts her hand flat on my tummy) "I love you, Baby Jax"
Me: (choked up) "aww, he loves you too, baby girl"

I see many more moments like this in the future, I hope I can document them with video.

I need to get started on little man's nursery....any ideas on a theme?  I'm coming up blank.

Here's a belly pic I took this morning before my daily feasting commenced :-)
20 Weeks, 1 day

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

I am so excited to announce that I won the giveaway I posted about last week.  I never win anything so this made me a bit giddy.  And as it turns out I already had plans with Lauren this afternoon so she's going to hand deliver my new Scentsy plug in to me.

In baby news, I am feeling a ton of movement from my little man.  At random times he'll kick, punch, roll, whatever just reminding me, "hey, I'm still here FEED ME PLEASE".  Ask and he shall receive.  Ughhh I know I am probably gaining too much weight so I need to quit eating pizza and cookies and egg mcmuffins.  Maybe I'll get the jogging stroller out of the attic, dust it off and take Ava and Ellie on daily walks.  See the thought is there I just need to execute the plan.

We are now a Sweet Potato!

Your Baby: Week 18

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

In family news, we have a Disney vacation planned.  I am really looking forward to it since I haven't been to Disney since I was 16.  I have planned a few surprise embellishments for my little lady and we're staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge with a view of the giraffes and other animals.

In doggie news, Ellie went to her first day at daycare today.  We toured the facility on Saturday and were thoroughly impressed with the level of sincerity, cleanliness, and flexibility of everything.  When I dropped her off, she was going to be introduced to a boxer and a pug that were in her area.  I watched from the car and she was in heaven, tail nubs were wagging in excitement as everyone exchanged butt sniffs.  Now, what do I do with my day until Lauren gets here?  Oh yea I know, go on that walk I talked about, haha.

Last but not least, here's a hump day bump day picture for you.  I think I am going to resort to taking these pictures in the morning before I embark on my eating marathons.  The belly seems to appear a bit more tame.  Deceiving?  Yes.  Trickery? No.  :-)

18 weeks, one day - with Jaxon

18 weeks, 3 days with Ava

Have a magical week, everyone!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This & That

Almost forgot to post the weekly stats!

How far along? 17 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: ummmm I don't wanna say
Maternity clothes? every day
Stretch marks? No thankfully
Sleep: yes but get up 5 times a night to pee
Best moment this week: Finding out our son is healthy, beautiful and growing right on track
Movement: more & more each day
Food cravings: none really
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: wine
What I am looking forward to: not being pregnant anymore, wine, getting my body back
Weekly Wisdom: pregnancy is only temporary
Milestones: getting an A++++ on the anatomy scan

Also I must post about my friend Lauren's Scentsy giveaway.  Click here to read how to enter.  Good luck but I am not going to lie, I want to win!!  haha

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

OB Appt. - Follow Up & Name Unveiling

Today has turned into quite a grandiose one.  I was informed upon my checkin at the Dr's office that my Dr had added an ultrasound on to the appointment to check the anatomy.  I was thrilled and almost did a cartwheel right then and there.  I was called back for the routine stuff - pee in a cup, blood pressure, etc. and Dr. Goldman (love him, btw) came in and told me I look great.  (Thank you MAC under-eye concealer!)  He found the heartbeat on the doppler and there were some other sounds which he indicated was the baby kicking the wand.

After another short wait in the waiting area I was ushered into the dark, sophisticated ultrasound room with Karen (who was our tech with Ava as well).  I was by myself this time so I was a bit more relaxed and less anxious since I didn't have a toddler with me trying to destroy the place while pooping her pants making the entire room stink.  Karen went on to check the genitalia first and this is what we got:

She then went on to check everything else and took her time.  Everything was measuring right on track and little man looks just perfect.

She did also tell me, "you better rest up because this is one busy kid".  Great.  Just what the mother of a 2 year old monster wants to hear.  So all in all I had a wonderful 2 hour trip to the Dr today.  Guess I need to start to planning the nursery soon, fun fun!

Here's a belly shot taken today - 17 weeks (please excuse how tired I look)

And now to reveal the name of our son.  After much discussing and not agreeing on anything, we circled back to square one and put on the table the name we chose if Ava had been a boy.  Some may love it, some may wrinkle their noses but we love it................and DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaxon Grant Wein

"Jax" for short.  We can't wait to meet him!!!

OB Appt this morning

Today marks 17 weeks.  I have an appointment with the illustrious Dr. Williams this morning.  I wonder if he'll sneak me in for an impromptu ultrasound, I love it when they do that.  We've chosen a name, and many of you are already privy to it, but if not I will announce in the next blog post, along with a new belly pic.

Miss Diva Ava is in a lovely mood this morning.  Perfect for gymnastics with her daddy.  I wonder if she'll make it through the entire class without some unnecessary meltdown because I'm not there.  I hope she does well, she really likes her teacher.

I'm finally feeling little movements.  It's so cute because I know how small he is right now and I know these kicks are only going to get stronger.  Here's what little guy is up to this week:

Your Baby: Week 17

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints. 

I'll be back with another update in a few hours!  Stay tuned......