Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 Weeks - Halfway!

Woo hoo I am 1/2 way done with this baby growing business.  Actually more than halfway because I will be scheduling my c-section around 10 days early.  I am feeling great, no complaints whatsoever except that my belly is getting heavier and I can no longer lay on my back.  Rolling over from side to side is about a 6 step process too.  I have to "swing" myself out of bed at night to pee, but luckily it's only been once per night for a while now.  I've slowed my fluid intake after 8pm to ensure a good nights' rest.

Our trip to Disney was a blast.  Ava got to meet everyone - Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and all of the princesses.  She LOVES the princesses and talks about them every day.  She also loves her baby brother I just found out.  Here's what went down a few moments ago that brought the tears.....

Ava was laying next to me in our bed as I was watching a video on my laptop of a twin ultrasound. 

Ava: "Baby Jax"
Me: "Baby Jax is in my tummy, right here" (pulled my shirt up and pointed)
Ava: (puts her hand flat on my tummy) "I love you, Baby Jax"
Me: (choked up) "aww, he loves you too, baby girl"

I see many more moments like this in the future, I hope I can document them with video.

I need to get started on little man's nursery....any ideas on a theme?  I'm coming up blank.

Here's a belly pic I took this morning before my daily feasting commenced :-)
20 Weeks, 1 day


Lauren said...

Aww Ava is going to be such a wonderful big sister!! How about something beachy boy themed or a sports themed nursery?

Mrs Paul said...

I cant believe that you are already 20wks! I like Laurens idea... Nautical boys rooms are SO cute!
For inspiration: