Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

I am so excited to announce that I won the giveaway I posted about last week.  I never win anything so this made me a bit giddy.  And as it turns out I already had plans with Lauren this afternoon so she's going to hand deliver my new Scentsy plug in to me.

In baby news, I am feeling a ton of movement from my little man.  At random times he'll kick, punch, roll, whatever just reminding me, "hey, I'm still here FEED ME PLEASE".  Ask and he shall receive.  Ughhh I know I am probably gaining too much weight so I need to quit eating pizza and cookies and egg mcmuffins.  Maybe I'll get the jogging stroller out of the attic, dust it off and take Ava and Ellie on daily walks.  See the thought is there I just need to execute the plan.

We are now a Sweet Potato!

Your Baby: Week 18

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

In family news, we have a Disney vacation planned.  I am really looking forward to it since I haven't been to Disney since I was 16.  I have planned a few surprise embellishments for my little lady and we're staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge with a view of the giraffes and other animals.

In doggie news, Ellie went to her first day at daycare today.  We toured the facility on Saturday and were thoroughly impressed with the level of sincerity, cleanliness, and flexibility of everything.  When I dropped her off, she was going to be introduced to a boxer and a pug that were in her area.  I watched from the car and she was in heaven, tail nubs were wagging in excitement as everyone exchanged butt sniffs.  Now, what do I do with my day until Lauren gets here?  Oh yea I know, go on that walk I talked about, haha.

Last but not least, here's a hump day bump day picture for you.  I think I am going to resort to taking these pictures in the morning before I embark on my eating marathons.  The belly seems to appear a bit more tame.  Deceiving?  Yes.  Trickery? No.  :-)

18 weeks, one day - with Jaxon

18 weeks, 3 days with Ava

Have a magical week, everyone!!


Steph said...

Your bump is adorable! Congrats on winning.. I'm jealy. :-p Oooh, and the Disney trip sounds fantastic. I've always wanted to stay at that hotel at AK. Have fun!

Lauren said...

Congrats mama!!! I am so excited to see you and your adorable bump. Exciting about your Disney vacay!

Gail@Sophisticated Steps said...

Hi...popping in from Modern Day Wife...

I HAD to b/c your blog title made me laugh.

I had three babies in 3 yrs. and 3 months. (I was a mother to 3 by 25 yrs old and by our 5th anniversary!) My first two are just under 24 months apart...and then baby #2 was only 7 months when I got pregnant with #3. I literally had 3 kids in diapers at the same time. (My oldest was ready to be potty trained, but I selfishly kept him in diapers b/c I could NOT handle potty training a toddler with a just-walking baby and a brand new one!)

So...I was pregnant AND/OR nursing for pretty much 5 years. Can I steal you title and rename my blog? Ha! Just kidding. We are done. I love my kiddos, but it is work!

Hope you have a healthy pregnancy! Love the name you picked for your little boy. Very cute.

Jessica said...

It's so cool you have those pictures to compare! Super cute lady :) Have fun today with lauren. I am jealous, I miss both of you girls!

Lauren said...

Your bump is so cute and I'm so glad you won the Scenty giveaway