Tuesday, March 29, 2011

21 Weeks and Feeling Great

I had my routine monthly OB appointment this morning.  All is checking out perfectly in the baby department.  I heard his heartbeat, it was a beautiful sound as usual.  I do have a doppler at home so I can hear it anytime I want but I've been saving it for OB appointments as to not let the novelty wear off.

I have a made a pretty important decision.  I have decided to get my tubes tied when I have this baby.  2 is enough for me, one of each, I am done.  Factory will be officially closed!

I also spoke with the doctor about scheduling the c-section. We looked at the calendar and August 2nd seemed like a good day.   I will be officially scheduling it at my next OB appointment.  Wow this all getting real..........and FAST.

Another thing I can barely believe is that I am up 30 pounds already!  I don't feel like I've gained that much, and I don't look like I have but trust me that damn scale does not lie.  I tried closing my eyes when they were weighing me, and when I thought they were done I opened my eyes but the girl was just sliding the thing to the next increment!!  Ackkkk!!!  My doctor said he is not concerned at all as I was very fit & in shape to begin with plus I gained 50 pounds with Ava so this is just par for the course.

Here's my 30 pounds of belly, hips & butt
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +30 (ughhhh)
Maternity clothes? every day
Stretch marks? No thankfully
Sleep: well, love it
Best moment this week: Having another mom at Ava's gymnastics not being able to tell I was pregnant
Movement: yes, lots & it tickles
Food cravings: girl scout cookies
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? in but slowly making its' way out
What I miss: wine & working out hard
What I am looking forward to: not being pregnant anymore, wine, getting my body back
Weekly Wisdom: pregnancy is only temporary
Milestones: tentatively scheduling the extraction (c-section)
This week we are a banana! 

Your Baby: Week 21

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.


Lauren said...

You look great mama!

PB&J Bud said...

Love the new layout! And I have to say, you look pretty, pretty good for being up 30 lbs!

Lauren said...

I do have to agree with Kathy you look fabulous for being up 30 lbs.

Steph said...

You look awesome!!! And I can't believe your baby is already the size of a banana. I am excited for you :)